Rapid Response
If you represent a client or carrier who was involved in an incident within the last 48 hours and need rapid expert investigation, documentation, or data collection, then CID offers you direct access to a select group of our most experienced professionals.
Please do not use this number if you don’t need emergency rapid response. In any other case, please call our main office line at 310.414.0449 and someone will answer or return your call the next business day.
Emergency Rapid Response Phone Line: 310.294.3599
Calls to this number are routed directly to our on-call experts. If someone doesn’t pick up your call immediately, we will return your call shortly. We will be prepared to discuss the most effective response to cover your client’s needs.
In Rapid Responses, we typically handle:
Complex and large-scale scene evidence documentation with 3D laser scanning and aerial drone imaging
Commercial vehicle inspection and data collection
Surveillance and security camera canvassing and download
Passenger car or motorcycle location, inspection, and data collection
Thank you for your trust and business.